Rebel fire and China's ire

Inside Myanmar's anti-junta offensive
Despite the Myanmar military's crackdown on protests following the coup, a grassroots rebellion has emerged. In recent months, the anti-junta forces have conducted coordinated attacks against the military and have gained control of large swathes of territory.

The offensive, known as Operation 1027, began in late October and has been the most significant threat to the regime since the coup. It was launched by the Three Brotherhood Alliance, a coalition of three ethnic armies.

The Secretive Planning
The rebels were secretly planning the operation for months. They even met with junta representatives in June to discuss a peace deal. However, the rebels were only using the talks as a cover for their preparations.

The Formation of Brigade 611
A key part of the operation was the formation of Brigade 611, a multi-ethnic force that included troops from the Three Brotherhood Alliance, the People's Defence Forces (PDF), and other armed groups. The brigade was trained in using drones, which have proved to be a powerful weapon against the junta.

The Role of China

China has been concerned about the fighting in Myanmar, as it has a large number of citizens living in the country. In September, China delivered an ultimatum to the junta: either shut down the scam centres or China would do so. The junta has since shut down some of the scam centres, but the fighting continues.

The Future of the War
The war in Myanmar is likely to continue for some time. The junta is determined to hold onto power, but the rebels are determined to bring about a change of government.