Nepal Demand Restoration of Monarchy

Mass Protests
In a significant display of public dissent, thousands of demonstrators congregated in Kathmandu, Nepal, on Thursday, advocating for the reinstatement of the monarchy and the reestablishment of the country's former status as a Hindu state. However, their rally was met with police resistance, resulting in the use of tear gas and batons to thwart their march towards the city center.

Call for Monarchy Restoration
Amidst a sea of national flags and fervent chants in support of former King Gyanendra, supporters of the "citizen’s movement to protect the nation, nationalism, religion, and culture" gathered on the outskirts of Kathmandu, aiming to advance towards the city center, as reported by local English daily Nepal Times.

Police Action and Clashes
Law enforcement personnel, backed by water cannons, resorted to firing tear gas shells and wielding bamboo sticks to disperse the protesters and prevent their progression towards the heart of the city. The clash resulted in minor injuries on both sides, marking a tense standoff between the demonstrators and the authorities.

Charges Against the Government
Expressing their allegiance to the former monarchy, demonstrators voiced vehement criticisms against the current government and political parties, accusing them of corruption and inept governance. They echoed chants demanding the reinstatement of the monarchy and the abolition of the existing republic.

Historical Context
Nepal's monarchy, which had a centuries-old legacy, was abolished in 2008 following extensive street protests in 2006 that compelled then-King Gyanendra to relinquish his authoritarian rule and transition the nation towards democracy. Since then, Gyanendra has resided as a private citizen devoid of any political power or state protection.

Political Landscape
While Gyanendra retains some level of support among segments of the population, his prospects for a return to power remain slim. The country, previously declared a secular state in 2007 under an interim constitution, has undergone significant political transformations in recent years, with the monarchy giving way to a republican system.

The mass protests in Nepal underscore a deep-seated sentiment among certain segments of the population, advocating for the reinstatement of the monarchy and the restoration of Nepal's former status as a Hindu state. As tensions persist between demonstrators and authorities, the issue continues to spark debate and contention within the country's political landscape.